Adak, Alaska

Current time in Adak, Alaska

Local Clock Offset: -
Time zone: America/Adak

Standard Time Zone: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST) = UTC-10
Daylight Saving Time Zone: Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT) = UTC-9

Adak, formerly Adak Station, is a city located on Adak Island, in the Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska, United States. At the 2010 census the population was 326. It is the westernmost municipality in the United States and the southernmost city in Alaska. The city is the former location of the Adak Army Base and Adak Naval Operating Base, NAVFAC Adak. There are no radio stations within 200 miles (320 km) of Adak; radio can be received in Adak only through satellite or shortwave receivers. Currently the shortest days in winter solstice are now around 7 hours.
From Wikipedia

What time is it in Adak right now?

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