Chicago, Illinois

Current time in Chicago, Illinois

Local Clock Offset: -
Time zone: America/Chicago

Standard Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST) = UTC-6
Daylight Saving Time Zone: Central Daylight Time (CDT) = UTC-5

Chicago is the third-most populous city in the United States. With over 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States, and the county seat of Cook County. The Chicago metropolitan area, often referred to as Chicagoland, has nearly 10 million people and is the third-largest in the U.S.

In the 19th century, Chicago became the nation's railroad center, and by 1910 over 20 railroads operated passenger service out of 6 different downtown terminals. In 1883, Chicago's railway managers needed a general time convention, so they developed the standardized system of North American time zones. This system for telling time spread throughout the continent.
From Wikipedia

What time is it in Chicago right now?

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