Mothering Sunday
How many days until Mothering Sunday ?
Mothering Sunday is a holiday celebrated by Catholic and Protestant Christians in the UK and some other parts of the world. It is generally observed in parishes of the Church of England, as well as in the rest of the UK and many Anglican parishes throughout the world, especially in Canada and Australia. It falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent, exactly three weeks before Easter Day. Once observed as a day on which people would visit their "mother" church, it has become an occasion for honouring the mothers of children and giving them presents. It is increasingly being called Mother's Day, although that name properly belongs to the American holiday which is quite distinct from the original Mothering Sunday. In the UK and the Republic of Ireland, Mothering Sunday is celebrated in a similar way as Mother's Day is celebrated in the USA.
Mothering Sunday 2028 | Mar 26, 2028 |
Mothering Sunday 2029 | Mar 11, 2029 |
Mothering Sunday 2030 | Mar 31, 2030 |
Mothering Sunday 2031 | Mar 23, 2031 |
Mothering Sunday 2032 | Mar 7, 2032 |
Mothering Sunday 2033 | Mar 27, 2033 |
Mothering Sunday 2034 | Mar 19, 2034 |
Mothering Sunday 2035 | Mar 4, 2035 |
Mothering Sunday 2036 | Mar 23, 2036 |
Mothering Sunday 2037 | Mar 15, 2037 |