Saint George's Day
How many days until Saint George's Day ?
Saint George's Day, also known as the Feast of Saint George, is the feast day of Saint George as celebrated by various Christian Churches and by the several nations, kingdoms, countries, and cities of which Saint George is the patron saint.
Saint George's Day is celebrated on 23 April, the traditionally accepted date of the saint's death in the Diocletianic Persecution of AD 303. For those Eastern Orthodox Churches which use the Julian calendar, this date currently falls on 6 May of the Gregorian calendar. In the 19th century, it was 5 May.
Saint George's Day 2032 | Apr 23, 2032 |
Saint George's Day 2033 | Apr 23, 2033 |
Saint George's Day 2034 | Apr 23, 2034 |
Saint George's Day 2035 | Apr 23, 2035 |
Saint George's Day 2036 | Apr 23, 2036 |
Saint George's Day 2037 | Apr 23, 2037 |
Saint George's Day 2038 | Apr 23, 2038 |
Saint George's Day 2039 | Apr 23, 2039 |
Saint George's Day 2040 | Apr 23, 2040 |
Saint George's Day 2041 | Apr 23, 2041 |